New “Drawing Funny” episode is available- listen online here or most anywhere you like to download podcasts.

“How much is that art in the window?” In this solo episode I discuss pricing and selling– or not selling my art, and what some folks have thought about the prices I charge and if my work is worth the cost. I’ve talked before about how I got into drawing funny for a living and how I’ve set up at conventions and art shows, but really haven’t mentioned why I charge what I do for my sketchcards, sketchcovers, paintings, prints, tees and more. I also talk a bit more on how I create my own art, where I’ve sold it over the years, and what expenses I’ve experienced. Plus if you’ve wondered what exactly is a sketchcard and/or a sketchcover, wanted to know how to get into doing them, or how much they pay- I talk about that as well. Continue reading →