New “Drawing Funny” Podcast Promo Spot

I’ve been drawing funny all my life, and for the past few years I’ve been producing “Drawing Funny“, the pandemically inspired podcast. I’m your host, Lin Workman, and the podcast is now in its 5th season. “Toon in” as I share my latest reviews, news, and interviews. I focus on the mid-south art and convention scene. I spotlight comic creator Kickstarter campaigns, offer up some recommend reading, share art advice, and talk toons with some sketchy characters in the comics industry and fandom. You can find “Drawing Funny” at, on Spotify, Apple, or most anywhere you download podcasts. You can even ask your smart devices to play “Drawing Funny”.

Stay tooned! Continue reading

MSCA Monthly Dinner Meet-up And Annual Holiday Art Swap Is A Wrap!

Last night was our last 2024 MSCA Monthly Dinner Meet-up at Garibaldi’s Pizza. Monthly meet-ups are free and open to the public. Just bring a few bucks to order off the menu, and be sure to introduce yourself. We always love to have folks bring along what they’ve been working on to show the group, talk toons, draw on jam pieces, work on tablets/laptops/sketchbooks, or doodle on napkins with us! Continue reading