Here’s the latest meeting news from MSCA’s President Kevin L. Williams:
Month: June 2021
Superman Day And “Drawing Funny” Promo Spot
Hey, gang- Happy \S/uperman Day!
Normally, many of us would be up in Metropolis, IL this weekend for the annual Superman Celebration. Unfortunately, like a lot of things it was cancelled in 2020 because of Covid. Well, it’s back on for 2021, just a bit later in the summer than usual…July 30 – August 1. Continue reading
MSCA Meetings And “Drawing Funny”
Tuesday was our monthly MSCA Zoom meeting.
We discussed what all we’d each been working on, what we’ve been watching and reading, plus the status of upcoming meetings.
Speaking of meetings, we’re keeping an eye on local regulations and recommendations from the health department and City of Memphis, plus waiting to hear back when we can reserve the big room at Garibaldi’s Pizza again. We have this announcement from MSCA President, Kevin L. Williams regarding the next two monthly meetings: Continue reading