MSCA Meetings And “Drawing Funny”

Tuesday was our monthly MSCA Zoom meeting.

We discussed what all we’d each been working on, what we’ve been watching and reading, plus the status of upcoming meetings.

Speaking of meetings, we’re keeping an eye on local regulations and recommendations from the health department and City of Memphis, plus waiting to hear back when we can reserve the big room at Garibaldi’s Pizza again.  We have this announcement from MSCA President, Kevin L. Williams regarding the next two monthly meetings:

“Dear Ink Slingers, Digital Doodlers, Pencil Pushers, and Word Doctors,

The next MSCA Gathering will be Tuesday, July 6, 2021, at 7 pm on Zoom

Here’s some good news:
The first IN PERSON gathering will be in the Overton Park Formal Gardens, Tuesday, August 3, 2021, at 6:30 pm!!  Bring your own chair, your own food and drink, artwork to share (I plan to have a table for us to put items on).  This area is under some trees and flowers, it’s wide-open so we can spread out.

CLICK HERE for directions.


If you are fully vaccinated, masks are optional but not required.
If you are NOT fully vaccinated, masks are required.
We trust you to make the decisions that are safer for our members, so do what is right and don’t be “that guy.”

You might want to bring some mosquito spray just in case…

RAIN OPTION:  If it rains, we’ll use this Zoom link to gather and visit, but you’ll still be required to provide your own food, drinks, and chairs – J

Hope to see you at each of the events above! “


Calling all pod-people..!

There are a couple new episodes of our podcast “Drawing Funny” that are available at – or wherever you like to download/listen to podcasts like Apple, Google, Spotify, and more.

Since many folks are heading to cons again or are gearing up to, for Ep.21 I thought I’d share some thoughts on setting up at and/or attending conventions. I’ve been doing it off and on since the early ’90s as an attendee, artist guest, volunteer, con staff, organizer- at one time doing a con a month or every other month..! I’ve stopped setting up as an artist/guest or putting on shows, but still love attending cons. There’s lots more I could have put into this episode, but figured this one was long enough at 45min. Plus, I remembered a few extras after I had edited it…D’oh! So, maybe I’ll do a follow up episode after attending a few post-pandemic events. If you’d like more info on conventions and portfolio reviews, or see some of the cons and events I’ve attended be sure to check out my art blog and travel blog (lots of posts in the archives).


For Ep. 22 I had Marvin Wynn, writer of The Edge” comic join me from Pittsburgh via Zoom.

We discussed his origin story, his upcoming show/store appearance schedule, the art scene in Pittsburgh (AKA “Comicsburgh“), plus his involvement with the live action “Herioneburgh” and its upcoming crossover with “The Edge“.  You can find Second Sight Publishing and “The Edge” Comic in Diamond’s PreviewsWorld catalogue.

If you’ve got a comics series you’d like to discuss on the show, have reading recommendations, con survival advice, or just have any questions about the show please shoot me an email- podcast (at) drawingfunny (dot) com. Always enjoy talking toons with comics creators, and would love to have some CONversations with show/event organizers and see what info/advice/stories they can share.

Stay safe, and stay tooned!


PS: If you have any questions about our meetings, members, being a member, or joining our mailing list email the MSCA at midsouthcartoonists (at) gmail (dot) com.