Contact Us

You can email the MSCA president or webmaster(s) at- midsouthcartoonists(at)gmail(dot)com

Our MSCA zine editor(s) at- mscapub(at)gmail(dot)com

Our MSCA podcast host at-  podcast(at)drawingfunny(dot)com

You can follow us on social media:
Facebook: facebook(dot)com/midsouthcartoonists
Twitter: (at)MSCA_Memphis
Instagram: (at)midsouthcartoonists

Our mailing address is:
P.O. Box 770397
Memphis, TN 38177

You can keep up with our “Drawing Funny” podcast at the show’s site at www(dot)drawingfunny(dot)com or follow it on social media on Twitter (at)drawingfunny1 or Instagram (at)drawingfunnypod.

You can meet us in person on the first Tuesday each month at Garibaldi’s Pizza near the U of M and Highland Strip- just across the street from Tiger Book Store on Walker Ave..