Category: Items For Sale
Sketchy Details On Upcoming MSCA Events This Week
If you’re free this Sunday, January 15th from 4:30 – 6 pm, go visit the MLK Day Celebration at the Withers Collection Museum and Gallery, 333 Beale Street, Memphis, TN 38103. Continue reading
MSCA January Happenings – 2023
Well, after 35 years of drawing funny in the mid-south, we’re ready to do it some more next year! Continue reading
“Beyond The Emerald City” At Playhouse On The Square – A New Art Show By Dale Martin
On Friday, November 12th Nicki and I eased on down the road to check out MSCA member Dale Martin‘s opening reception for his latest art show “Beyond The Emerald City” at Playhouse on the Square. We were running a bit behind getting to the show after grabbing some dinner at The Bayou around the corner, but were able to follow the black top road (Cooper Street) to it with a few minutes to spare!
Mail Call From MAW Productions…Shinobi: Ninja Princess – Illuminations
Words from our friends the Wade’s at MAW Productions:
Shinobi: Ninja Princess – Illuminations
The holidays are upon us and what better way to celebrate than with the Ninja Princess, herself, as she takes in a little downtime for Christmas in New Tokyo. However, when she sees her fellow teammate, Hamasuke, sneaking around the Tokyo streets, their adventure takes them from the Christmas Illuminations of the city to the fighting game community of a local arcade and a crazed Otaku bent on videogame domination.Order your issue here and get a Christmas card and sketch with each book. Continue reading
October 2022 Happenings
Hey, gang- got a blog post full of art happenings and MSCA news for you. Sit back and get comfy..! Continue reading
ZineFest/Record Swap Coming Back To Crosstown Concourse In September
Shared by Dale Martin(our MSCA Zine editor/publisher), here’s an opportunity for many folks to get their first-ever table set-up, have a new outlet for your books, or return to the event! Continue reading
“Drawing Funny” Hit The Road For Free Comic Book Day 2022
There’s a new “Drawing Funny” podcast episode available for download- Ep.41: “FCBD Multitude Of Madness”. This episode chronicles mine and Nicki’s Free Comic Book Day adventures around Memphis last weekend. Continue reading
“Same Bat-Time, Same Bat-Channel!”- MSCA Dinner Meeting And FCBD This Week
Attention, Citizens..!
Lots of comic action happening this week in Memphis, so gas up your batmobile and dry clean your capes. Continue reading
Stoned Ninja Has Kicked Off Another Kickstarter- Stoned Ninja #1 SAP
Gabriel DeRanzo and MSCA member Greg Cravens have kicked off another “Stoned Ninja” Kickstarter, and are hoping you’ll get their back by being a backer for this current comics campaign. Continue reading