Stay Safe, Stay Warm, and Stay Tooned! New “Drawing Funny” Episode and MSCA “Winter” Zine Available

It’s been a while since we’ve gotten to get out of the house and visit together at Garibaldi’s Pizza for our monthly dinner meet-ups. It was always one of my reasons to get out of the house, even if my wife had to push me out the door when I didn’t feel like being social. I always felt better once I sat down and started talking toons with my fellow MSCA members. Hopefully we’ll be able to resume our group dinners and drawing nights sometime in 2021, but until it’s safe to get together in person we’ll continue to do our monthly MSCA zoom calls on the first Tuesday of each month. Continue reading

Our 2nd Zoom Meeting Was Out Of This World!

We had our second MSCA virtual dinner meeting on Zoom Tuesday night.

Thanks to Kevin “Nuggethead” Thorn for setting it up for us. He couldn’t stay for the meeting, but turned over the reigns to me (Lin) to let in folks who wanted to join in on the call.

We had a special VIP guest show up for the meeting- MSCA founding member Jack Cassady stopped by to catch up with us. Continue reading