“Dinner And A Show..?” – MSCA Monthly Dinner Meeting And Mini-Con

News from MSCA President Kevin L. Williams:

Greetings ink slingers, pencil pushers, digital doodlers, wordsmiths, and enthusiastses…


The next Dinner Gathering will be Tuesday November 7, 2023, at Garibaldi’s Pizza, 3530 Walker Ave, near the University of Memphis, from 6 – 8 pm.  Come eat, talk comics, bring art, do art, or just sit and stare at each other (which isn’t as much fun as the other stuff).  Know any artists?  Bring them on out! Continue reading

MSCA Event Info From Kev- Dinners, Art Shows, And More!

Greetings Wordsmiths, Digital Doodlers, Inkslingers, Pencil Pushers, and Enthusiasts, 

Hi, all!

Another good batch of information below for you all to look at.  Grab your calendars and start marking them for the upcoming events.


We will begin gathering again August 1 at 6pm and otherwise meet the first Tuesday of each month at 6pm at Garibaldi’s Pizza, 3530 Walker Ave, Memphis.  Bring food money, art, show-and-tell, conversation – it’s a good time!  Looking forward to seeing you all.

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