Show notes: Mid-South Cartoonists Association President Kevin L. Williams joins me for this 56th “Drawing Funny” episode. We discuss what a busy year 2023 was for the MSCA and what plans are in the works for this new year- such as the 901 C0mics East Drink-N-Draw night and Sat-Art-Day, upcoming art shows around town, and MSCA monthly dinner meet-up at Garibaldi’s Pizza. Continue reading
Tag: Drawing Blood
“Halloween Comic Fest Is In The Bag…Along With Some Candy!” – A Look Back At Our Event At 901 Comics East
On Saturday, October 28th the MSCA was part of the Halloween Comic Fest at 901 Comics East.
“Drawing Blood” Opening Reception Didn’t Suck! Still More MSCA Halloween Fun To Go.
“Drawing Blood: The Art Show That Bites.” – MSCA Opening Reception At GCT Friday The 13th!
Hey, gang- last Tuesday night was our latest MSCA monthly dinner meet-up at Garibaldi’s Pizza off Walker/Highland near the U of M.
“One, one more day- ah, ah, ah..!” – Dinner Meeting And Art Show Deadline Tuesday, October 3rd
From MSCA President, Kevin L. WIlliams:
Hi, all you beautiful digital doodlers, ink slingers, wordsmiths, pencil pushers, and enthusiasts!
Plenty of news to read about the MSCA. Let me know if there are questions, please. Continue reading
“got blood?” – Time To Drink-N-Draw
Hey gang-
Just a quick reminder that our next MSCA Drink-N-Draw event will be this Wednesday night from 6-8pm at 901 Comics East on Macon Rd. out in Cordova. The ‘bar with no name‘ will be open and serving up beer, sodas, snacks, and more. Continue reading
“Get Ready..Get Set…GO!!!” – Upcoming Events
Okay, gang- here are some event dates to add to your calendar…it’s gonna be a busy few months! Continue reading
Drink, Draw, Eat, Repeat…Our Upcoming Monthly MSCA Events
Hey, gang- lots of opportuniities for you to attend an MSCA event over the next few weeks. Continue reading
The MSCA Will Be “Drawing Blood” At GCT This Fall!
It’s official- the MSCA will be back at the Germantown Community Theatre this fall and our art show will be “Drawing Blood” – our third show at GCT. Continue reading