News from MSCA President Kevin L. Williams:
Greetings ink slingers, pencil pushers, digital doodlers, wordsmiths, and enthusiastses…
The next Dinner Gathering will be Tuesday November 7, 2023, at Garibaldi’s Pizza, 3530 Walker Ave, near the University of Memphis, from 6 – 8 pm. Come eat, talk comics, bring art, do art, or just sit and stare at each other (which isn’t as much fun as the other stuff). Know any artists? Bring them on out!
I love that the members are supporting each other and making it out to signings and appearances! Thank you for that – it’s what this association is meant to do. It helps to know about these events, too. If you have something on your calendar to share, please email that to me directly so I can share with the association (especially since I try to send out this group email monthly).
DRAWING BLOOD is still ongoing. Please share the sentence below with your social media (graphic attached):
Come see DRAWING BLOOD: An MSCA Art Show that Bites Monday through Friday from Noon – 4pm, and during showtimes for Dracula: The Bloody Truth, through November 12th. At Germantown Community Theater, 3037 Forest Hill Irene, Germantown. Tickets are available at the link below (only 6 more shows).
#midsouthcartoonists @midsouthcartoonists #fineart #artshow #cartoon #comicstrip #comicbook #graphicnovel #comics #msca
November 18, from Noon-4pm. Drawing Blood art show artists get first dibs on space, and I have that list. Art show participants arrive at 10am to choose your spots.
It’s “bring your own table” and set up, arrive by 10:30am. Anyone who would like to do this event should. All we ask is use the honor system and donate some proceeds to the theater. If you’d like to participate, please let me know.
Tuesday, December 5, from 6 – 8 pm, we’ll gather again at Garibaldi’s Pizza, 3530 Walker Ave. We’ll do another art swap, so bring something fun that you’ve created (art of any type, prints, publications…). We’ll draw numbers and the piece that corresponds with that number will be yours!
It’s also Walt Disney’s Birthday that day!!
EVENTS: (please let me know if I’m missing anything)
- DRAWING BLOOD Art Show October 27 – November 12, Germantown Community Theater, 3037 Forest Hill Irene Rd.
- Tuesday, November 7, 6pm, MSCA Dinner Gathering, Garibaldi’s Pizza, 3530 Walker Ave
- Friday, November 10 – Sunday, November 12 – Memphis Comics and Fantasy Convention, Holiday Inn UofM, 3700 Central Ave, Memphis
- Wednesday, November 15, 6 – 8 pm, Drink N Draw, 901 Comics East, 8551 Macon Road
- Saturday, November 18, Closing Reception/MSCA-GCT Mini Con, Germantown Community Theater, 3037 Forest Hill Irene Rd. (Times TBD)
- Tuesday, December 5, 6pm, MSCA Dinner Gathering, Garibaldi’s Pizza, 3530 Walker Ave (Walt Disney’s Birthday, too, BTW). MSCA Art Swap – bring some art to swap with other members, same as we did last year. That was fun.
- Tuesday, January 2, 6pm, MSCA Dinner Gathering, Garibaldi’s Pizza, 3530 Walker Ave
- Tuesday, February 6, 6pm, MSCA Dinner Gathering, Garibaldi’s Pizza, 3530 Walker Ave
- Tuesday, March 5, 6pm, MSCA Dinner Gathering, Garibaldi’s Pizza, 3530 Walker Ave
- March 22 – 24, Midsouth Con 39, Whispering Woods Hotel and Conference Center, 7300 Hacks Cross Road.
- Tuesday, April 2, 6pm, MSCA Dinner Gathering, Garibaldi’s Pizza, 3530 Walker Ave
- Tuesday, May 7, 6pm, MSCA Dinner Gathering, Garibaldi’s Pizza, 3530 Walker Ave The Glass Slippers Art Show art will be due this day – OR – you can get the art to me by May 30 (drop-offs will be at 811 S Dudley Street, M – F from 9am – 3pm). Watch this space as information may change.
- Tuesday, June 4, 6pm, MSCA Dinner Gathering, Garibaldi’s Pizza, 3530 Walker Ave
- June 7 – 20, 2024, Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Cinderella with the MSCA’s Glass Slippers art show!
- Tuesday, July 2, 6pm, MSCA Dinner Gathering, Garibaldi’s Pizza, 3530 Walker Ave
- Tuesday, August 6, 6pm, MSCA Dinner Gathering, Garibaldi’s Pizza, 3530 Walker Ave
- Tuesday, September 3, 6pm, MSCA Dinner Gathering, Garibaldi’s Pizza, 3530 Walker Ave
- Tuesday, October 1, 6pm, MSCA Dinner Gathering, Garibaldi’s Pizza, 3530 Walker Ave
- Tuesday, November 5, 6pm, MSCA Dinner Gathering, Garibaldi’s Pizza, 3530 Walker Ave
- Tuesday, December 3, 6pm, MSCA Dinner Gathering, Garibaldi’s Pizza, 3530 Walker Ave