Free Promo Spot Airtime On The “Drawing Funny” podcast – Limited Time Offer!

“Drawing Funny” podcast host/producer Lin Workman (me!) has offered free promo spot airtime on the podcast. All MSCA members and any events and businesses that support the Mid-South Cartoonists Association are welcome to send in their 15-30sec promotional spot as an MP3 file. It can be to promote your art project, event appearance, Kickstarter campaign, commission availability, website/blog, art sale, etc. If you need more time to promote, we can go up to 60sec or do a guest spot.

Don’t know how to record a commercial..? That’s okay- just send in your info and I’ll read it in the podcast’s upcoming news segments. Just remember to include, “who/what/when/where/why/how much“.

Send your MP3 formatted audio files and/or news/press releases to This is a limited time offer, and first come/first served. The spots will be included in episodes on a rotating basis, and news items will be mentioned up until the event date. And please make it “safe for work” listeners.

I’m also looking to do promo spot swaps with other podcasts. For those commercials up to 60sec are fine to submit. If you’d like to discuss your event or project with me in person, or be a featured guest on the podcast just give me a shout and I’ll get back with you to schedule a recording time and place.

Click here to listen the latest “Drawing Funny” promo on Spotify or go to You can also download the two latest MSCA Year End Review episodes I did with MSCA prez Kevin L. Williams and hear just how busy of a year 2024 was for  the group and our membership!

Hope to hear from you- cheers!





Created in 1987, the Mid-South Cartoonists Association (MSCA) is a non-profit organization comprised of professional cartoonists, aspiring cartoonists, and cartooning enthusiasts. Our mission is to promote cartooning as art and bring together cartooning professionals, aspiring professionals and cartooning fans of all ages, backgrounds, and skill levels. You can find out more about the MSCA at or on our Facebook page

Drawing Funny” is the pandemic inspired MSCA podcast where we talk toons with some sketchy characters in the comics industry and fandom. The show is now in its fifth season! You can listen to the show at: www(dot)drawingfunny(com)com, Spotify, Apple, and just about any podcasting platform you prefer.

If you’d like to check out the original promo spot for the Drawing Funny” podcast you can click the player below…

Theme: “Silly Bank Heist” by Steve Oxen. ©2020 Fesliyan Studios Inc. – music used by permission. Run time: 1min 15sec

Drawing Funny Podcast Episode 56 – “MSCA 2023 Review” With Prez Kev

Show notes: Mid-South Cartoonists Association President Kevin L. Williams joins me for this 56thDrawing Funny” episode. We discuss what a busy year 2023 was for the MSCA and what plans are in the works for this new year- such as the 901 C0mics East Drink-N-Draw night and Sat-Art-Day, upcoming art shows around town, and MSCA monthly dinner meet-up at Garibaldi’s Pizza. Continue reading